Race: The Northern Trails 10 miler on 3/13/2021. Instead of running, I chose the ruck option–and was excited to see there was a ruck option (defined as: carry 20 lbs if you are less than 150 lbs / carry 30 lbs if you weigh 150+). Since I am just a bit over 150, I needed to carry 30 lbs, but I planned to carry that anyway. Great to help with my mountain climbing training!

Goal: Get comfortable carrying a heavy load for multiple hours. I wanted to maintain around a 3 MPH pace (20 min/mile), and I hoped to win the women’s rucking division–figuring there wouldn’t be many who opted to carry a ruck.
Gear: My North Face pack held 3 gallon jugs of water (approx. 8 lbs each) plus a Camelbak bladder with 1.5 L, snacks, and my sleeping bag (to add padding for my lower back!)
I wore Smartwool shirt and socks, shorts with pockets, compression calf sleeves, and Altra Lone Peak shoes. I also brought my trekking poles, though I didn’t really need them–I wanted them for stability more than anything.
I also had my iPhone, plus ear buds, but didn’t end up using them.
Gut: I ate breakfast around 7, for a start time of 9:05. I’ve been eating oatmeal lately, so that’s what I had–plus coffee and electrolytes. I brought Honey Stinger waffles and a Clif bar with me.
Weather: 57° and cloudy–perfect for hiking/rucking.
Pre-Race: As I set out for Northern High School, in my husband’s nice car, Patty Smyth “The Warrior” came on, which felt very appropriate as I tried to psyche myself up to walk 10 miles with 30+ pounds on my back. I arrived before 8:30 to pick up my packet, and had time to kill in the car.
I got weighed in–bag was at 35 lbs with my full water bladder + snacks + phone.
I waited in a looong bathroom line and watched the other heats start running before me, about every 5 minutes. I was in Wave 6 of 6.
And when it was Wave 6’s turn, I placed myself at the very back, so I wouldn’t get in anyone’s way. I chatted with an aspiring ultra runner lady for a few minutes.
The gun went off… and I started my long walk.

Race: Surprisingly, I had 2 ladies behind me. They were wearing weighted vests, but they looked like they weren’t 30 lb vests, so I figured I was alone in the 30+ lb ruck option.
I quickly put distance between us, and ultrarunner lady was 100 yards or so ahead of me. I figured I’d be alone for a good portion of the race… and I was.
The route skirted Northern High School, went through the woods for a few minutes, then came out behind the Middle School before heading onto Bill Craft Trail.
I didn’t play music, as I wanted to listen to the birds and wind (and the silence!)
I noticed lots of little things, like daffodils randomly scattered through the forest, a beachball stuck in the creek behind a log…
And now it’s 5/20/2022, and I’m realizing I never finished this post!
I will say my memories of this event were good–it was a great day for training, and obviously it helped prepare me well for Mount Rainier (which was now a YEAR ago already!)
I remember fueling well, getting a lot of support from fellow runners and walkers, and feeling happy to be out in nature.
Results: 3rd overall of 5, and 1st in the ladies’ ruck division! (met my goal!)
Recommend: Yes… although trail racing isn’t part of my plan for this year, I would like to redeem myself on this race (after the horrible ten miler I had in 2019!)
Trivium Racing puts on great events, and this one was no different! I just became a lazy blogger over the past year, and finally getting around to finishing this one!

Learned all sorts of new things with this blog? At first mention of “ruck,” I thought you had misspelled something. Nnnnope.
Whoever heard of one’s weight dictating one’s pack? Wonder who came up with this trail racing spec. Nice finish – three hours long!
Made me wonder how many lbs. you lost during this challenge. Always enjoy the details of your prep/diet/clothing/etc.
You should be deemed an “influencer,” and compensated for these mentions.
Thanks for finishing this one and sharing.
Thank you Suzie!! Better late than never 🙂
I wish I had finished writing it when it was fresh in my mind… one of my resolutions is to do better about reflecting in the moment and just beyond. Thank you as always for reading!